• Last Updated On: Feb 14 2025 5:15PM
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CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship

1. Objective

The objective of Bhatnagar Fellowship is to recognize and enable outstanding scientists to pursue excellence in scientific research and innovative technology development; thereby enhancing the scientific footprints and technological competitiveness of the nation. The Bhatnagar Fellowship recipients should serve as role models and mentor young scientists.

2. Eligibility

The fellowship will be awarded to leading Indian Scientists/Technologists in recognition of their ongoing impactful scientific and/or technological contributions, particularly during last 10 years, as evidenced through publications, patents, transfer of technology, honours, awards etc. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) working in India are also eligible. The awardee is expected to associate with a mission or thrust area program of CSIR or an area of interest to CSIR.

3. Nomination and Selection Procedure

Names of the outstanding scientists/technologists may be proposed by: i) Current and former Presidents of any of the National Science Academies (including Engineering, Agricultural, Medicine etc. ii) The Vice Chancellors of Indian Universities, iii) Directors of CSIR Laboratories and R&D Institutions like IISc, IISERs, IITs, AIIMS, NITs etc. iv) Secretaries of Science Departments of GOI, v) Director Generals of major R&D Organizations such as DRDO, ISRO, ICAR, ICMR, IMD etc., vi) Chairmen of Atomic Energy Commission, UGC, etc., vii) Chairmen/Presidents of Industrial Associations such as Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) etc. and viii) former Bhatnagar Fellowship Recipients. Self-nominations/applications are not acceptable. 


Nominations in the prescribed proforma should be accompanied by nominee’s a) past research contributions and b) future plan of work (scientific and/or technological) in a mission or thrust area program of CSIR or in an area of interest to CSIR. Nominations would be received throughout the year.


A two-tier process will be followed for selection of Bhatnagar Fellows.


At the first level, a Screening Committee constituted by DG, CSIR shall scrutinize and shortlist the relevant nominations. At the second level, shortlisted nominations shall be placed before a Search-cum-Selection Committee for its consideration and recommendations. The Search-cum-Selection Committee reserves the right to consider persons of eminence outside the list of nominations.


The Search-cum-Selection Committee, comprising of eminent scientists, technologists and industrialists in the country or abroad, shall be constituted by the Vice President, CSIR. The DG,CSIR as  Member-Secretary of the Search-cum-Selection Committee shall convene the meeting atleast once in a year. The Recommendations of Search-cum-Selection Committee shall be placed for approval of Vice-President, CSIR for the award of Bhatnagar Fellowship. The award offer will be valid for six months from the date of issue. Names of the candidates conferred with Bhatnagar Fellowship shall be placed in Governing Body, CSIR for information.


4. Duration

The duration of Bhatnagar Fellowship shall be initially for a period of three years, extendable for two additional years after due appraisal. The Bhatnagar Fellowship will be full time R&D engagement. It shall not be considered as re-employment.


5. Number of Fellowships

Upto six per year. The maximum number of fellowships shall be limited to thirty at a given time.


6. Place of Work

The fellowship is tenable in India and can be implemented in any recognized academic institutions, registered societies, industry having DSIR recognized R&D laboratories and other R&D institutions/laboratories. The host institution should provide necessary administrative and infrastructural support. The fellow may continue at his / her present place of work or at any CSIR Institute/ laboratory as approved by DG,CSIR.

7. Nature of Support

  • For retired awardees drawing pension, the amount of fellowship shall be equivalent to the last pay drawn after adjusting the basic pension. 
    • The awardees can avail only one fellowship/monthly honorarium, etc. from any source during the tenure of fellowship. Each awardee will receive Annual Grant of Rs. Forty Lakhs per annum that includes fellowship under the scheme.
  • Fellowship shall not be provided to the Bhatnagar Fellow, who are in regular service period.
  • Each awardee will, in addition, receive a CSIR Research Project Grant upto Rs Twenty Five lakhs per annum.
  • Details of Annual and Research Grants are detailed below under Grants (Sl. No.8)

8. Grants

All the grants pertaining to the Bhatnagar Fellowship shall be released through host institute. No overhead expenses will be given to the host institution.

 Annual Grant: 

  • The Annual Grant shall be upto the ceiling of Rs 40 lakh. The host institution shall provide facilities like office space; secretarial support; residential accommodation (in the campus or outside on leased basis, if requested); telephone facility (office/residence); staff car or appropriate hired conveyance etc.
  • The expenditure incurred in providing fellowship and facilities to the fellows shall be deducted from his/her Annual Grant.
  • The fellowship received in Bhatnagar Fellowship Scheme is taxable as per IT rules.
  • The Scheme has no provision for providing DA, HRA, CGHS, LTC and Medical Reimbursement to fellows.
  • The facilities to Bhatnagar Fellows cover the following as per actual expenditure but limited to:
  1. Secretariat support: Rs. 45,000 per month
  2. Residential accommodation: Rs. 50,000 per month
  • Telephone facilities: 5,000 per month
  1. Staff car/hired conveyance: Rs. 8,500 per month

9. Travel

The Domestic and International travel shall be regulated in accordance with guidelines of the host institute. The amount under Travel (International/Domestic) is limited upto Rs 5 lakh per annum. Instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of External Affairs regarding the class of travel etc. should be followed.

10. Assignments

The awardee may interact with CSIR Scientists / staff by collaborating in research and development projects, besides providing mentorship to the young researchers. Any assignment connected to the project, whether within the country or abroad for a period exceeding 45 days shall be referred to DG, CSIR for approval. The Bhatnagar Fellows are not permitted to take up any full time assignment from any other organization. Any exception to this shall be referred to DG, CSIR for approval.  However, Bhatnagar Fellows in service may be allowed to discharge duties and functions of his/her substantive post. The Bhatnagar Fellows are expected to deliver popular science lectures in schools and colleges to create scientific temper among the students as well as to motivate the students to take science as a career.

11. Maintenance of Accounts

The host institution shall maintain accounts of Bhatnagar Fellowship grant and submit these within three months of expiry of the financial year. The host institute shall submit audited statement of accounts and utilization certificate to CSIR HRDG, New Delhi. Release of subsequent grants will be subject to receipt of necessary financial statements.

12. Progress Report / Monitoring of Research Project 

The Fellow shall submit an Annual Progress Report (as per Format) (Hard/Soft) to Scientist-in-charge (Awards) with intimation to Head CSIR-HRDG through host institution. The Bhatnagar Fellow shall submit a consolidated work report after three years along with plan of work for next two year, which shall be appraised by the Search-cum-Selection Committee for further period of extension.


After completion of the project, the fellow shall submit a Final Technical Report along with brief summary of the significant achievements made, list of publications, patents filed/granted, manpower mentored / trained, lectures delivered etc.


The CSIR guidelines for ethics in Research and Governance shall be applicable to Bhatnagar Fellows. The Intellectual Property rights arising out of the research work of Bhatnagar Fellows shall be governed by the norms of CSIR. The rules and regulations of Bhatnagar Fellowship Scheme may be reviewed or amended as and when found necessary with the approval of DG, CSIR in capacity of Chairman, Governing Body, CSIR.

Guidelines and Formats

Call for Nomination Bhatnagar Fellowship

CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship - General Advisory

Guidelines for CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship

Format for Nomination

Format for Project Grant


ONE hard copy and a softcopy (in PDF) of the complete nomination may be submitted to:


The Head

CSIR- Human Resource Development Group

CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa

New Delhi 110 012



For any further correspondence: Please contact:

Scientist Incharge – (Award Section)

Human Resource Development Group

CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa

New Delhi 110 012



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