• Last Updated On: Oct 18 2024 4:49PM
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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers



 What is New Fellowship Management System (NewFMS)?


NewFMS is a web based application introduced by CSIR-HRDG to provide an end-to-end solution for CSIR Fellowships. It comprises following modules & processes:

  • Institutional Registration Module
  • Existing fellows and new fellows on-boarding
  • Fellowship bill generation module
  • Online Attendance Certification Module (OAM)
  • Online Students Module (OSM).

You may visit https://newfms.ncl.res.in to know more about NewFMS Portal.


What is the validity of  CSIR-NET Certificate?


CSIR NET certificate is valid for a period of 02 years effective from the date mentioned in NET Certificate.


What is the total tenure/duration of CSIR-NET JRF Fellowship?


CSIR NET certificate is valid for a period of 02 years effective from the date  mentioned in NET Certificate.


Where can I enrol myself for availing CSIR Fellowship / Associateships?


The CSIR Fellowships/Associateships are tenable in Universities/IITs/Post-Graduate Colleges/ Government Research Establishments including those of CSIR, R&D establishments of recognized public or private sector, industrial firms and other recognized institutions.


Is PhD enrolment essential for continuation of NET JRF?


Yes, a fellow after activation of Fellowship has to register himself/herself for Ph.D programme within a period of 02 years.


What is the procedure for upgradation of fellowship  from JRF to SRF?


As per CSIR-fellowship guidelines on completion of two years as JRF, the following documents are required to be uploaded on NewFMS through Maker/Checker of the fellow’s institute.

  • Recommendations of Three members’ assessment/Expert committee report.
  • Annual progress report (two years progress report)
  • PhD registration Certificate

Proforma of Assessment Committee Report is at the following link https://csirhrdg.res.in/SiteContent/ManagedContent/ContentFiles/20190619124153058jrf_anx_3.pdf

Proforma for Annual Progress Report is at https://csirhrdg.res.in/SiteContent/ManagedContent/ContentFiles/20180907161644713jrf_anx_4.pdf 


What is the composition of Assessment Committee for upgradation from JRF to SRF?


Expert Committee/Assessment Committee shall consist of the Guide, Head of the Department and External Member from outside the University/ Institution who is an expert in the relevant field, not below the rank of Professor/ Associate Professor. As far as possible the External Member should be the chairman of three members Committee.

Where the guide happens to be the Head of the Department, the Dean, Faculty of Science or any senior member of the Department may be associated as the third member of the Committee.


What will happen if a fellow is unable to register himself for PhD within a period of 02 years?


The Fellow after completion of 02 years as JRF will be assessed by the Assessment Committee/Expert Committee and he/she will continue as JRF for third year depending upon the recommendations of the Committee. The fellow can apply for continuation as JRF for the third year on NewFMS portal through his/her Maker/Checker. After the expiry of 3rd Year if a Fellow still fails to register for PhD, the Fellowship will be treated as terminated.


What are the documents required for extension of tenure of Fellowship for 4th year of SRF(NET)?


  • Annual Progress Report
  • Recommendations of the Guide.

Proforma for Annual Progress Report is at https://csirhrdg.res.in/SiteContent/ManagedContent/ContentFiles/20180907161644713jrf_anx_4.pdf


What are the documents required for extension of tenure of Fellowship for 5th year /Final Year?



How tenure of  JRF and SRF computed while joining during the  month or first day of the month?


As per CSIR NET JRF Guidelines, a Research Fellow who joins on the first day of the month, his/her tenure will be completed on the last day of the previous month. In other cases, the tenure will be completed on the last day of the same month of joining the Fellowship.


What are the conduct and behavior that a CSIR Fellow is expected of?


Not to indulge in any activity/conduct/behavior which tarnish or bring bad name to CSIR or scientific/research community. Cognizance of such misconducts will lead to termination of fellowship.